Northern Ireland
This has been a quiet year for us since our last function in the first half of the year. We have had a few changes in our Executive Committee and Office Bearers and as a result our activities have been somewhat curtailed. However we have organised our very popular Christmas Dinner function which this year will be held in the lakeland county of Fermanagh on 14th December. We fully recognise that not everyone lives in North Down or Greater Belfast and that is why we like to use different venues. Full details are on our "Upcoming Events" page as well as our Facebook page.
We are a tri-service organization and welcome folk from all three of His Majesty's Armed Services.
If you have not already registered with us please do so on register@notforgotten-ni.com and someone will get back to you as soon as possible
Membership of the NOT FORGOTTEN NI is open to any service man or woman who is wounded, injured or sick AND any veteran, of any age, with a disability or medical condition; whatever the cause.

Not Forgotten NI Events are open to all beneficiaries as outlined above and we welcome applications from all. If an event is over subscribed then preference will be given to those who have not previously attended or haven't done so for a while. If you require a registered carer to assist you please advise and we will do our best to accommodate.
You may well have registered with us before but to comply with our responsibilities under GDPR we are compiling an up to date register of all beneficiaries and that is why you are being asked to complete a registration form at this time
Membership of the NOT FORGOTTEN NI is open to any service man or woman who is wounded, injured or sick AND any veteran, of any age, with a disability or medical condition; whatever the cause.
Registration is simple!
Click on the link register@notforgotten-ni.com